There are emblems on Saturday, 04,20,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Hetman's arms
List for: ROZYMOVS'KYI KYRYLO (1747-1764)

All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (98372) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72710) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71172) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56807) 
The modern emblem (54305) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

Het'man emblem
Kyrylo Rozymovs'kyi at first used the paternal coat of arms, which had such sort: in azure field is or armour, pierced from two sides by two argent arrows. After receiving of a duce title Rozymovs'kyi used more difficult coat of arms. The board per pale by or and sable, on fields is two-head crowned eagle of tinctures, opposite with a fields, (sable on or and on the contrary). On a breast for eagle is azure escutcheon with argent armour punched by two gules arrows. On a board lies the duce crown, above which the argent knightly helmet with nine or hoops and or border, with hung up on it or medallion. In crest above second duce crown azure flag with the argent armour; in the flag placed two gules crossed arrows edges up. On each side of board mantle: till the right side gules and sable, fured by or, till a left-hand side - azure and gules, fured by argent. The tenantes: on the dexter side Cossack (top of clothes azure, lower gules), on the sinister side - Pole (top of clothes gules, lower - asure). The motto is: "FAMAM EXTENDERE FACTIS" ("the Facts are distributed by rumours").
Image on site V.Napytkin.

Єремєєв І.С. Герби гетьманів України. К.: Вид-во "УЦІММ-ПРЕС", 1998. - 56 с.: іл  See

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