There are emblems on Thursday, 04,18,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: The personal emblem owners
Buket family
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The modern emblem (98264) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72698) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71165) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56800) 
The modern emblem (54296) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

Buket family
Azure; or chevron. Two argent heraldic roses in fess; argent Arhistratig Michael with upright wings, or nimbus and or sword and scabbard.
The chevron is a symbol of the house. It becomes popular in patrimonial heraldry of the XV century (time of a birth of the first known Bouquet surname carriers in Gruz'ka village of the Kyiv district).
Argent heraldic rose is a symbol of authority and independence. Two roses symbolize two branches of the Bouquet family in Gruz'ka, fixed in 1811 during census of peasants. Two heraldic roses and chevron are basic elements of Bouquet patrimonial arms (France). On one of versions, the ukrainian Bouquet family occurs from European Buket-Bouquet-Bucket family known at least since 1412.
Arhistratig Michael is a basic element of the Gruzs'ka arms where the Bouquet surname is most widespread.

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