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List for: Ministery of Defence of the Ukraine
The emblem of 1301 Main military representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
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The modern emblem (54343) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

The emblem of 1301 Main military representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
It was confirmed in May, 17th, 2011.
The main military representative of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine represents national industrial, research, design, engineering and other enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership engaged in the development, production, modernization, supply, installation and repair of military products.
1301 Main military representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was organized in October 1911 in Mykolaiv for supervision of construction of ships in the Black Sea.
Coat of arms: per pale with chapter triangle. Chapter sable; gear argent, inside of which is drawing compass argent with a measuring arc inscribed in a regular pentagon. Or; calipers azure in saltire. Azure; admiralty anchor argent in pale, over which are gun barrels or in saltire and shell sable in pall. On ribbon azure is the motto or: PRIMUM QUALIS.
Sable symbolizes the dignity and power, education and wisdom, strength and consistency in testing, the Navy and the engineering field of activity. The azure symbolizes the glory, honor and loyalty. In addition, azure reflects the naval activity of the military mission. Gear reflects machinery production, compass symbolizes the research, design and technical development. Pentagon-like outline means fortress and also is a sign of quality. Thus, the pentagon is the symbol of "quality management" of military products. Crossed calipers represent the control and test side of the military mission. Anchor, crossed by cannon barrels reflect the institution's relationship among the weapons and military equipment. Caption "Primum qualis" ("Quality First") is the motto of the Mission.
Arm-emblem is a round shield with black piping in the form of a stylized yellow marine rope. In the middle is escutcheon with heraldry emblem on the crossed anchors. There are also signs with the number of representation and its motto.

"Znak" #54 (2011)  See

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